Commemorative coins are one of the most desired and collected products of numismatics. This is due to their significance in history and the personal memories possess. Whether it is to commemorate a first, or to celebrate the anniversary of an event in history; either way, adding a commemorative coin to your collection is one that you will treasure.
A Coin Designer has a specialist role as they create designs for coins which requires a lot of imagination. A Coin Designer also needs to possess an excellent eye for detail and a mastery of tools and materials. An exceptional level of expertise and dedication into every coin made makes it extra special.
The Royal Mint has been creating coins for the nation for over 1,000 years. The coins they strike are well acknowledged for their quality and artistry, using skills that are passed down from many generations in order to maintain the highest standards of minting. They bring together some of the world’s most skilled designers with the very latest technology to ensure sure that every coin made is a precise work of art. The Royal Mint produce circulating coinage for the UK government and commemorative coins and medals to celebrate events in British history; they are the world’s leading export mint.
It requires skill and care to make a commemorative coin. Each coin has to be carefully struck up to a maximum of three times in order to create a wonderfully detailed finish. Their experts inspect each coin before they are made available to collectors to make sure that each one meets The Royal Mint’s famous high standards.
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