We are proud and active supporters of the EU and remaining within it. As we know that the country will be devastatingly effected by leaving. Businesses are and will continue to suffer, food price rises have already taken hold and in some areas this is seeing a 20% uplift in cost to the general public.
This is evidenced by the demise of our previous Group parent and the redundancy of 83 staff.
With the referendum of 2016, our Financial and Legal Services clients naturally decided that they preferred to work in a more robust EU regulatory environment, rather than the watered down UK version implemented by the UK government in a duplicitous manner to benefit the ethically lacking investors. These include John Redwood MP, Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, Ian Duncan Smith MP, Nigel Farage and Arron Banks to name but a few.
Business relations:
With the advent of Brexit, businesses who trade with Europe will find their costs increased and in time it will be a lot harder and there will be more obstacles in the way due to customs and freedom of movement changes.
Business Relationships:
Whilst we are happy to work with other businesses in respect of our supply lines, Marketing, IT support, product management (Deliveries – National and International), Merchant Services and advertising etc. We wish to make it clear to those who contact us for our business, that if your company is run or owned by a Brexit supporter, we will NOT work with you under any circumstances.
In addition, we have huge concerns over China’s human rights abuses, torture of illegally held and also legally held prisoners and illegal occupation of Tibet amongst many others. As such we will not be working with any of the dozens of Chinese companies that contact us each year, as we believe that through their lack of resistance they condone these practices, we will therefore continue to decline their approaches and explain why.
Working for any of the B and G Group Companies:
We are naturally happy to receive applications from any diverse group, be it on ethnic, sexual orientation or a disability basis
However as the Equality Act 2010 does not expressly cover ‘voting’, we wish to make it clear, that we will not under any circumstances employ anyone who is a Brexiteer or voted leave. We will take all measures to try and ensure this does not happen including a Social Media and Background checks. Should however an individual fail to declare or lie in order to obtain a position and is subsequently exposed, they will be subject to summary dismissal.
We continue to work to highlight these issues through our active membership of:
and our founder being the Chair of
If you value a tolerant free and open society and the security and economic stability that membership brings for you and your families generations to come, then you must stand up now and be counted. The government must be held to account and the wrongs must be righted.